Lancashire Constabulary Logo

Making Lancashire's Roads Safer

Educational Courses

We very much support the ethos of educating motorists in order to change their behaviour and achieve habitual compliance with road traffic law. We therefore offer educational courses as an alternative to prosecution, subject to motorist’s previous offending history. Course offers are made for a range of offences including:

  • Negligent use of traffic signs and pedestrian rights including failing to conform to red traffic signals, signs, lines and crossings and careless driving.
  • Not wearing your seatbelt
  • Speeding offences


We're Signed Up to Bikesafe!

BikeSafe is an initiative run by police forces around the United Kingdom who work with the whole of the biking world to help to lower the number of motorcycle rider casualties. By passing on their knowledge, skills and experience, police motorcyclists can help you become a safer more competent rider.

We have signed up this year and recommend that you visit BikeSafe  for further information.


Community Roadwatch

Community Road Watch involves police working together with local communities at sites where people are worried about road safety.

Volunteers, trained by us, work with local officers to address:

  • Drivers exceeding the speed limit
  • Drivers using mobile phones
  • Drivers and passengers not wearing seat belts and/or child restraints

Community Road Watch teams monitor and record driver behaviour so that action can then be taken.

If you are interested in finding out more about Community Roadwatch or volunteering to become a Roadwatch member, please contact your local your Neighbourhood Policing Team.

Drink Driving

Driving when you are over the legal alcohol limit is a serious criminal offence.

Bearing in mind alcohol affects everyone differently, our advice is don't drink any alcohol at all if you are planning to drive and think twice about getting in the car the morning after a night of drinking too – you could still be over the limit.

The consequences of drinking and driving are high. At twice the current legal limit you are at least 50 times more likely to be involved in a fatal accident. If convicted of a drink driving offence you will have a criminal record, you will not be allowed to drive for at least a year, you could lose your job and you could dramatically increase your insurance costs.

Remember after only one drink you may not be able to judge speed and distance accurately, your ability to react may be affected especially judging stopping distances and your judgment of risk may be affected making you more willing to take risks putting yourself and others in danger.


Drug Driving


In March 2015 updated S5A (Drug Driving) offence under the Road Traffic Act 1988 came in to force. This legislation gives specific limits for 16 drugs in the body in a similar way to the drink driving legislation as part of our continuing efforts to target those people who get behind the wheel when not fit to drive through drink or drugs.

We have almost 300 front line officers DrugWipe trained to actively test for drugs at the roadside where possible and we complete further testing in custody.


How to report traffic crime or dangerous situations

Report erratic driving, dangerous loads, unroadworthy vehicles or hazards on the road by phoning 999 as soon as you safely can. Write down the registration number of any vehicle involved, with a description of the make, colour and, if possible, who was driving.

To make the report anonymously call Crimestoppers, a national charity who will pass the information on without asking for your personal details.

If you're involved in a collision take a note of the name, contact details and insurance information of anyone else who is involved. If someone is injured, or if the road has become blocked, phone 999.

Other collisions should be reported within 24 hours phone 101.

We are not able to take reports through social media.